Monday, 5 September 2011

Back to school

Success is going back to work after the summer holidays and saying nothing negative all day. I know this sounds a bit strange, but often people are negative about their jobs especially when change is involved. Today I want to recognise that change is sometimes neccesary to improve things. Without it we would just repeat what has gone before, and if it didn't give the desired result before then something else will need to be done. So I've listened today and honestly look forward to positive change.

Success is coming home from work to a hug from your  9 year old and them saying they missed you. 

Success is coming home from work to find your 18 year old has cooked spagetti bolognaise while you've been out. I've always encouraged my children to help out at home as we are all part of a family team. It was really nice to see that message has gone in. I am very grateful to sit down and relax with a coffee instead of cooking for an hour. Being part of a family team is so cool!

Bye for now

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